
Daniel S. Wilkerson, Elsa/Oink/Cqual++ @ CodeCon 2006, 4:45pm Sunday

And the very last prejudicial CodeCon session preview:

Daniel S. Wilkerson: Elsa/Oink/Cqual++, (scheduled for but starting much later than) 4:45pm Sunday @ CodeCon 2006

Daniel Wilkerson hooked Elsa [a C/C++ parser] and Cqual [a type-based analysis tool that provides a lightweight, practical mechanism for specifying and checking properties of C programs] together to make Cqual++. It resides in a kind of super-project called Oink which is designed to allow multiple backends for Elsa to cooperate (the only example of which presently is Cqual++). For example, the dataflow analysis is pretty generic and other dataflow-based C++ analyses could be written using it and added to Oink.

The major thing you can do with a cqual-style dataflow analysis is you can find bad dataflow bugs...

Nothing to speculate here. Entry only for completeness sake.

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