Madonna Gives (And Gets) Guerrilla Infowar
For her
latest album's cover, Madonna
strikes a pose reminiscent of
Alberto Korda's famous photo of
Che Guevara, the Marxist revolutionary who wrote a book on guerrilla warfare that's
still in print.
Madonna's team has embraced unconventional tactics to thwart internet sharing of the new album's tracks before its official release -- such as flooding sharing networks with phony tracks which feature Madonna cursing at downloaders: "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
The internet's indigenous info-guerrillas have responded by remixing Madonna's tantrum to a techno beat:
Via HTTP from DigitalCutupLounge:
Magnet & metadata options:
Bitzi Ticket Info )
Further, Undercover Media of Australia reports that was hijacked to provide free MP3 downloads of all the album's tracks over the weekend.
As of this writing, is unresponsive -- and there's no telling if this "hack" was an actual pro-sharing guerrilla raid or a publicity-stunt PsyOp from the Madonna regime.
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Linux Plays the Field
Kevin Bedell wins his time slot across the key demos with his offbeat reimagining of "The Bachelor" which places Linux in the starring role. An excerpt:
And HP chimed in, "That California girl, Sun, had her old boyfriend Solaris drop her off at the airport on the way here. She's definitely on the rebound." HP was stunning in an evening gown and heels, but was still carrying a football. "Hey Linux, let's you and I go play some catch! You can be my 'Mr. Touchdown' any day!".
Read the whole thing at "
Linux is... the Bachelor!"
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Just in time for Easter: Peepza, the Peep-topped pizza
Look upon my culinary innovation, ye Mighty, and despair:

Can I patent this? Or do I have to register it with the FDA? I don't know.
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Iraqis Need Hippos
Appropriate Inventions Bureau
These people...

Iraqi women reach out with empty water containers as British soldiers arrive to supply the outskirts of Iraqi's southern city of Basra with drinking water, Friday, April 4, 2003. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)
...clearly need Hippo water rollers:
Rollers may even offer landmine protection -- though they are "not recommended as a de-mining device."
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